Sunday 17 February 2013

Advertising to Teens

When creating an advertisment, you need to consider the target audience. You need to decide which groups or individuals to target and aim your stratergy at. Audiences can be broken up into age groups, interest groups and/or people in a certain stage of their lives.
All advertising has a target market and a message. Some messages are easy to understant, others are the hidden mmessage of the ad.

  • I like this ad because it clearly explains that when you look back, you will regret it even though it seems like a good idea at the time
  • This is not an add that you can buy a product from
  • The main message of the ad is that rape is bad and no matter what, you shouldn't do it.
  • This ad does not have a hidden message

  • I like this ad because it is a good helmet and it also advertises Red Bull very clearly
  • I want to buy their product because i want a motorbike and helmet and I really like this helmet
  • The main message to this ad is that you should buy this helmet and drink Red Bull
  • Their is no hidden message in this ad

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