Tuesday 19 February 2013

Newspaper Advertising

1: Colour: Bright colours make a ad stand out and intrege the reader.
    Size: If the ad is a full page ad, the viewer will want to read it because the ad is big and intreging.
    Image: If the image in the ad is big, colourful or interesting, it should intrege the viewer into reading it.
    Text: If the text is big, colourful or creative, the reader will think it is interesting and maybe continue
    reading the ad.

2: The JB-HI-FI ad was a full page ad and was bright yellow. It stood out to me and I actually read a bit of the ad.

3: This ad cost $23, 500. I think it would be a worldwide amount to pay because it is pretty reasonable and if it isn't, it should be.

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