Sunday 28 April 2013

Our Ad Plan

Q: WHO the ad is aimed at?
A: Teenagers and small children that enjoy sport.

Q: WHAT is being advertised?
A: Health through sport. (Soccer/Football)

Q: WHAT is specifically highlighted about the product in this ad?
A: Health, Good dieting, Water, Social.

Q: WHY would this ad help sell the product?
A: Because people will want to buy the ball and boots so that they can play soccer.

Q: WHERE/WHEN this ad might appear in order to reach it's target audience?
A: Childrens channels early in the morning and in the afternoon but not to late.

Q: WHAT need or what is the ad appealing to?
A: Happy Families
    Dreams and Fantasy
    Elite people or experts
    Successfull careers
    Self Importants & pride  

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